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Įspūdingos mamos ir dviejų jos dukterų nuotraukos

Įspūdingos mamos ir dviejų jos dukterų nuotraukos

Fotografuoti savo vaikus mėgsta daugelis tėvų, tačiau kaip padaryti, kad fotosesijos nebūtų nuobodžios? Viena kūrybinga tinklaraštininkė sugalvojo šį tą įdomaus.

30 metų Dominique iš Didžiosios Britanijos prieš kelerius metus apsisprendė palikti kasdienį darbą ir skirti daugiau dėmesio savo dviems dukrytėms, tinklaraščio Allthatisshe.com rašymui bei mylimam hobiui – fotografavimui.

Dešimties metų Amelia ir trimetė Penny, be abejo, tokiu mamos sprendimu tik apsidžiaugė. O moters tinklaraščio skaitytojai bei socialinio tinklo „Instagram“ sekėjai nuo tada turi progos pasidžiaugti originaliomis trijulės nuotraukomis.

Dominique su dukterimis dažnai fotografuojasi trise ir nuotraukoje jas kažkas vienija – vienodai supintos kasos, vienodos suknelės, marškinėliai ar kita detalė.

We’re all feeling pretty happy in our new matching @sondeflor dresses. Of course, a simple smile for Penny wouldn’t be funny enough, so this is what we got instead 😝 ‘It spins mammy; it spins!’ which for Penny is how the only way to determine if a dress is worthy to wear, or not. For Amelia and me, it’s all about the comfort and general coolness of wearing a soft linen dress, and alright, we may partake in the occasional spin too. Twinning at its very best for this weeks #allthatisthree

A photo posted by Dominique (@allthatisshe) on Jan 29, 2017 at 9:08am PST

All of the signs we saw during yesterday’s #womensmarch were filled with love and inspiring messages, but to me, this one really stood out. The term ‘fight like a girl’ used to be thrown around as a negative remark, but those days are definitely over. If fighting like a girl means standing strong and together like the men, women and children did yesterday, then I’ll fight like a girl everyday. We couldn’t be there yesterday, but we’re not staying silent either (my girls never are ☺️) #allthatisthree

A photo posted by Dominique (@allthatisshe) on Jan 22, 2017 at 9:13am PST

Ester the Elf left us all a pair of pyjamas last night (thanks to @boden_clothing for giving her a helping hand). So with our new Christmas pj’s, a glass of milk poured, a gingerbread Christmas pudding (that looks more like a gingerbread splat), a carrot for Rudolph (that Penny’s almost eaten), Home Alone on the TV, and a Christmassy post over on the blog, I think we’re ready for the big guy. Wishing you all a very merry Christmas. Hope you have a magical day filled with food, family and fun. Link in bio for my new post #bodenbyme #allthatisthree

A photo posted by Dominique (@allthatisshe) on Dec 24, 2016 at 8:05am PST

I’m struggling to get into the Christmas spirit this year, so thought wrapping us all up in Christmas lights might help 😉 #allthatisthree

A photo posted by Dominique (@allthatisshe) on Dec 11, 2016 at 10:39am PST

GIVEAWAY – Like mother, like daughter. It was only a matter of time before they both started picking up a camera too #allthatisthree These beautiful wooden cameras – Penny has a Pixie Camera and Amelia has a Flex Camera – are both by the wonderful @thetwigco. Their holiday sale is now on and runs until 2nd Dec, so to celebrate I’ve teamed up with them to offer you the chance to win a goodie box full of @thetwigco products worth $180/£140. The giveaway will include a Pixie camera, a Flex camera, a set of Tykography blocks, and a Droid robot. To enter: 1. Follow me (@allthatisshe) and @thetwigco 2. Tag as many friends as you like below in separate comments (every tag is an entry, so the more you tag the more chance you have of winning) Giveaway is international and I’ll choose a winner on Thursday (01.12.16). Good luck!

A photo posted by Dominique (@allthatisshe) on Nov 27, 2016 at 8:38am PST

When the pumpkins imitate their owners. Two fresh, young, little ones and one that’s slightly older, more weathered and with a few more wrinkles 🎃.

A photo posted by Dominique (@allthatisshe) on Oct 23, 2016 at 9:52am PDT

As you all know, I recently turned 30 and although I don’t feel all that different (and there’s been no tears), I’ve succumbed to the fact that there’s going to have to be some lifestyle changes 🙄. I’ve shared them all over on the blog. I thought slippers were quite a fitting photo for this blog post (you know getting older and all that 😉) and these gorgeously snuggly moccasins are by @thesmallhome

A photo posted by Dominique (@allthatisshe) on Oct 18, 2016 at 1:37pm PDT

If you go down to the woods today….#allthatisthree

A photo posted by Dominique (@allthatisshe) on Jul 27, 2016 at 1:30pm PDT

We’ve had lots to celebrate today. The birthday of the beautiful @kirstylouisemcc and @kimmy_mua (my sister-in-laws-to-be), a successful shopping trip, Penny is out of nappies (as you can see, she’s totally shocked by it all), and I wrote a new blog post all about being fancy with @catherinehillsjewellery. Link in bio. Oh, and happy 4th of July to all of my American followers. Hope you’re having a blast and celebrating in style 🎊🎉🎈 #allthatisthree

A photo posted by Dominique (@allthatisshe) on Jul 4, 2016 at 1:35pm PDT

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