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Gražu iki ašarų: vaiko ir šuns iš prieglaudos draugystė

Gražu iki ašarų: vaiko ir šuns iš prieglaudos draugystė

Šios nuotraukos iš tiesų priverčia nusišypsoti ir patikėti žmonių gerumu. Na, o paimtas iš šunų prieglaudos keturkojis savo šeimininkams atsilygina besąlygine meile.

Elizabeth Spence (43) namuose niekada nebūna tylu. Ir nieko keisto – juk čia be jos ir vyro gyvena trys vaikai, trys šunys ir trys katės.

Jauniausias šeimoje – šiais metais gimęs sūnelis Archie.

Kanadoje gyvenanti fotografė įamžina įsimintinas augintinių ir savo vaikų draugystės akimirkas bei publikuoja jas savo socialinio tinklo “Instagram” paskyroje. Šilumą spinduliuojančias nuotraukas pamėgo internautai.

Visi trys šunys į šeimos namus atkeliavo iš prieglaudų. Daugiausiai fotografė šiuo metu fotografuoja mažiausiąją sūnelį Archie bei jo ištikimiausią draugę – kalytę Norą.

Kalytei Norai šiuo metu 8 metai. Būtent užfiksuotose nuotraukose ir galima matyti, kaip ji užaugo šeimoje. Iš šunų prieglaudos paimta Nora buvo niekam nereikalinga, tačiau mylinčioje šeimoje atsigavo ir dabar apdovanoja šeimą ištikima meile.

Žiniasklaidos kalbinta fotografė sakė, kad šias nuotraukas jai padaryti yra visiškai lengva, nes šuo ir mažylis iš tiesų mėgsta žaisti bei būti kartu, tad jai belieka nuspausti mygtuką.

October is #adoptashelterdogmonth , so if you’re in the market for a pup, why not consider one of the rescue variety? We got our Nora from a rescue shelter seven years ago and it’s one of the best decisions we ever made! Archie thinks so, too ❤️ #nappingwithnora #rescuedog #adoptdontshop Fujifilm XT1 #fujifilm_Xseries #myfujifilm #fujifeed

A photo posted by Elizabeth Spence (@wellettas) on Oct 18, 2016 at 1:39pm PDT

It’s a brisk one around our way today, but thanks to the warm snuggles of Nora and Wyatt the fox, Archie won’t feel it one bit. You are so loved, my sweet boy! ❤️ #nappingwithnora #adoptdontshop #rescuedog Fujifilm XT1 #fujifilm_Xseries #myfujifilm #fujifeed

A photo posted by Elizabeth Spence (@wellettas) on Sep 26, 2016 at 12:47pm PDT

Saturday ❤️ . With all the kids, cats, dogs and stuffies frequenting our bed, we recently made the decision to (finally) upgrade to a king-size mattress. Unfortunately, after much research, the one we selected for our side-, front-, back-, kick-you-in-the-ribs sleeping crew, does not ship to Canada! 😩. Now we’re back to the drawing board and looking for some bed recommendations that ARE available to co-sleeping Canadians! Any advice is appreciated 😊 . #nappingwithnora #rescuedog #adoptdontshop

A photo posted by Elizabeth Spence (@wellettas) on Sep 17, 2016 at 10:09am PDT

It took a bit of effort on their part, but Nora and Remington finally got their sick little boy down for a restful nap this afternoon. Just like the Wonderpets always say: “What’s gonna work? Teeeeeeeamwork!” 😍 . #rescuedogs #adoptdontshop #archietheanimalwhisperer #atelierchoux #mattiasadolfsson #thewishingelephant

A photo posted by Elizabeth Spence (@wellettas) on Aug 3, 2016 at 1:51pm PDT

Archie, Nora and their new friends, Catalina Mouse and Gwendolyn Racoon ❤️ #whpfriendshipis #nappingwithnora . I don’t normally do back-to-back napping shots, but we just got these gorgeous dolls from @hazelvillage and we’re ALL madly in love (my husband @aporius too!). Too cute to hold this shot back even one minute more! . Like the dolls’ clothing? @hazelvillage has just launched a Kickstarter campaign to fund a new kids’ and corresponding dolls’ wear line. ( I REALLY want the green Elf jacket for Archie, so make sure you pledge! 😜) #hazelvillage . Looking to adopt a rescue in the Los Angeles, California area? Check out @hopeforpawsrescue hopeforpaws.org for a list of some available animals! #adoptdontshop #rescuedog

A photo posted by Elizabeth Spence (@wellettas) on Jul 31, 2016 at 9:38am PDT

Have you heard about @cuddleandkind? Check out their feed for an assortment of gorgeously handcrafted and ethically produced dolls. You’re guaranteed to love them along with their mandate: to help feed children in need. To that end, for every doll purchased, cuddle+kind gives 10 nutritious meals to children in need through their giving partners, World Food Program USA and the Children’s Hunger Fund. Archie, Nora and I are thrilled to have discovered cuddle+kind and to do what we can do to help them make a difference 😍 (Cuddling up with Archie and Nora here are Isla the Mermaid and Chloe the Bunny ❤️) #cuddleandkind #nappingwithnora

A photo posted by Elizabeth Spence (@wellettas) on Jun 22, 2016 at 2:40pm PDT

Letting sleeping dogs lie ❤️ . Huge thanks to my friend Rachal for this adorable custom-made hat! You won’t find Rachal on Instagram, but if you’re interested in seeing more of her hand-crafted goods check out her etsy store (https://www.etsy.com/ca/shop/MarchandApril) or look her up on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/MarchandApril/). #nappingwithnora . FUJI-XT1

A photo posted by Elizabeth Spence (@wellettas) on May 3, 2016 at 6:42am PDT

Jedi training is such exhausting work! (😜) . Forgive me for this post, but it’s been a pretty big week for our family. We are HUGE Star Wars fans and after a long wait the kids finally got to see the latest instalment – the Force Awakens – on DVD. Equally awesome was the release of the trailer for Rogue One! I can’t even begin to express how exciting this is for me. I saw the original Star Wars episodes 4,5 & 6 in the theatre as a kid (yes, I am that old!) and can recall being terrified that I might die before the next instalments were released. Well, episodes 1,2 & 3 were disappointing (sorry George), but episode 7 is exactly what I had yearned for the past 30 years! What a blast it has been to share this cherished series with my kids. My eldest son’s face when he found out Darth Vader is Luke Skywalker’s dad? PRICELESS!! I can’t wait to relive that again with Archie over here 😊 Have you had a similar experience sharing a childhood treasure with your kids? . FUJI-XT1 #nappingwithnora

A photo posted by Elizabeth Spence (@wellettas) on Apr 12, 2016 at 6:15am PDT

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