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Močiutė įamžina nuostabias vaiko ir šuns draugystės akimirkas (FOTO)

Močiutė įamžina nuostabias vaiko ir šuns draugystės akimirkas (FOTO)

Jeigu esate instagramo vartotojas ir esate neabejingas vaikams bei šunims, kviečiame užsukti į nerealų labrapudelio Reagano puslapį.

“Aš esu Reaganas, 1,5 metų Australijos labrapudelis“, – taip savo instagramo paskyroje prisistato žavusis šuo. Tiksliau, savo augintinį pristato jo šeimininkai, kuriems ir reikia dėkoti už išradingas ir žavias šuns nuotraukas.

Daugiau kaip 60 000 gerbėjų turinti šuns paskyra instagrame mirga nuo pačių spalvingiausių nuotraukų, daugelyje jų Reaganas pasipuošęs vienu ar kitu žmogišku aksesuaru. Kaip sako jo šeimininkė Sandi, Reaganas labai mėgsta puoštis, pozuoti prieš kameras ir yra itin draugiškas keturkojis.

Reagano geriausias draugas – Sandi anūkas, kuris su labrapudeliu įamžintas ne vienoje nuotraukoje.

Can you guess who wears the pants in this relationship? I’ll give you a hint… Things aren’t always as they appear. 😉 #littlebuddywearsthepants #wrappedaroundhislittlefinger

A photo posted by Mr. Reagan (@reagandoodle) on Dec 16, 2015 at 10:19pm PST

Just planning what kind of trouble we can get into right after our naps. 🐶❤️👶🏼

A photo posted by Mr. Reagan (@reagandoodle) on Dec 10, 2015 at 9:07am PST

Sometimes the biggest blessings are little ones. 🐾 #ourlittlebigblessing #ilovecousinLinc #reaganandlincoln

A photo posted by Mr. Reagan (@reagandoodle) on Nov 30, 2015 at 8:00am PST

Keep trying, little buddy… You’ll be able to reach the doorknob in no time. 🐶🚪👶🏼 #letmein

A photo posted by Mr. Reagan (@reagandoodle) on Aug 12, 2015 at 7:55am PDT


A photo posted by Mr. Reagan (@reagandoodle) on Aug 7, 2015 at 9:47pm PDT

Twinning with my little buddy and planning out our weekend. 🐶👶🏼

A photo posted by Mr. Reagan (@reagandoodle) on Aug 7, 2015 at 9:21am PDT

Spreading Christmas cheer. 🐶❤️👶🏼 #atleastihopethatsallimspreading

A photo posted by Mr. Reagan (@reagandoodle) on Dec 18, 2015 at 8:35am PST

It’s CONTEST time!! 😄 As the holiday season and its contests are coming to an end, 2015 is also coming to an end! A few friends and I have come together to host this fun contest for you all to show off your best photos of 2015! ⠀⠀ How to Enter: 🔸Follow all hosts: @lizzie.bear @scvitkovic1 @maya_on_the_move @otisbarkington @bellalovesbeau @ps.ny @reagandoodle @homerpugalicious @iheartmiles @hollyupnorth ⠀ 🔸Post a collage of your 4 best photos you’ve taken in 2015. The app Photogrid or Layout works well for this. 🔸 Put somewhere in your NEW caption “Entry for the #2015DogCollage hosted by” and tag at least three hosts. (Click the # now and it will show up for you later) 🔸Tag 3 users below who may want to enter! ⠀ 🎁 Prizes: – 1st will receive one bandana from @hootandco, $100 shop credit to @jandbcustomleather and an 4-in-1 @olloclip phone lens. – 2nd will receive a bandana from @hootandco, a collar from @zaley_designs, and a $50-$150 @cuddleclones gift card from @lokithegoldengod. – 3rd will receive a bag of coffee and a mug from @groundsandhounds and a dog gift set (valued at $20-$25) from @themuttlife. – 4th will receive their choice of a toy (or a combination of two) up to $15 from @zippypaws (US only), a leash from @sportleash, a vector drawing from @keizaaldogs and a pillow and possibly a small portrait from @weekdaybest. – Honorable mentions will vary by host, and will receive the 800k+ mention. ⠀ 1st, 2nd, 3rd and honorable mentions will receive at least a 12 hour mention from all hosts (800,000+) ⠀⠀ Unlimited entries, one per day. Contest will end January 4th at 12:00am CST.

A photo posted by Mr. Reagan (@reagandoodle) on Dec 19, 2015 at 8:57am PST

I’m sending you love, good wishes, and puppy dog kisses. ❤️🐶😘

A photo posted by Mr. Reagan (@reagandoodle) on Dec 14, 2015 at 10:04pm PST

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