Tai yra gražiausios žindymo nuotraukos, kokias tik esate matę

Tai yra gražiausios žindymo nuotraukos

Žindymas yra geriausia pradžia naujagimiui – tai ir maistas, ir vaistas. Neabejojama ir teigiama žindymo nauda pagimdžiusiai moteriai.

Nors žindymas ir yra natūralus procesas, kartas nuo karto visuomenėje kyla diskusijų apie žindymą viešumoje. Viena pusė tvirtina, jog valgymas (žindymas) tai yra natūralus fiziologinis vaiko poreikis, kiti sako, kad tai asmeniškas veiksmas, kurio neturėtų matyti svetimos akys.

Kaip ten bebūtų, žvelgiant į fotografės Ivette Ivens nuotraukas akivaizdu – žindymas yra be galo gražus ir netgi sakralus veiksmas. Fotografė, kuri specializuojasi nėštumo, šeimos ir žindymo fotografavime, yra išleidusi žindymo nuotraukų albumą „Breastfeeding Goddesses“.

Jos darbus galima apžiūrėti ir instagramo paskyroje @ivetteivens.

Hawaii Goddess 💚

A photo posted by Forest Fairy ✨ (@ivetteivens) on Jan 8, 2017 at 10:19pm PST

Almighty Mommy 💜

A photo posted by Forest Fairy ✨ (@ivetteivens) on Dec 12, 2016 at 1:51pm PST

Mother’s arms.

A photo posted by Forest Fairy ✨ (@ivetteivens) on Dec 9, 2016 at 12:16pm PST

It was a beautiful day.

A photo posted by Forest Fairy ✨ (@ivetteivens) on Dec 4, 2016 at 6:01pm PST

Beverly Hills this weekend 👏🏻 I have one spot available for a mini session, email me for details [email protected]

A photo posted by Forest Fairy ✨ (@ivetteivens) on Nov 11, 2016 at 3:28am PST

“Have Courage and Be Kind” Here’s the image I told you about yesterday on my insta story😍 I couldn’t be more in love. This was not planned – we were just visiting our friend that happens to have baby goats and a pony (hence why he is our friend lol). Luckily my dear @plantjem_ was with me and could help this sudden idea of mine come true! Gotta love human tripods that don’t cut off heads…i hope my hubby @toddiv is reading this😬😅

A photo posted by Forest Fairy ✨ (@ivetteivens) on Oct 18, 2016 at 1:34pm PDT

This beautiful mama says: “Modeling for famed photographer Ivette Ivens’ book Breastfeeding Goddesses was quite the remarkable experience. We went to Rainbow Beach here on #Chicago’s South Shore. The beach was empty, I got naked, and the lifeguard on duty kept rowing his boat near us only maco-ing (a Trini term for being in someone else’s business) since he didn’t have anything else to do. Eleven was being a strong-willed, 22-month-new #Scorpio, but like a true professional #model, I held the tension and remembered to #smize so that for the few moments the baby would actually #latch, Ivette would be able to get the shot. And get the shots she did. These photos continue to be shared around the globe; every day another friend tags me to our image and likeness being shared on another page or online publication. To this day, I don’t know who made our photos into a #meme, but my #Leo #Rising will take all the love and adoration I can get. Cheers to national #breastfeedingweek! You can find Ivette Ivens’ gorgeous large hardcover book, Breastfeeding Goddesses, at her website (check the link in her bio). You can also find mama and baby jewelry at”

A photo posted by Forest Fairy ✨ (@ivetteivens) on Aug 5, 2016 at 9:11pm PDT

I’m not big on commercial holidays. I don’t like buying unnecessary things for people just because you HAVE to on a certain occasion and I don’t get that magical holiday spirit when stores change decorations. But recently I started digging the “awareness week” type of celebration. Bringing attention to one matter at a time. This week is World Breastfeeding Week and I couldn’t be more excited! A year ago I released a first photo book celebrating breastfeeding #BreastfeedingGoddesses. The Goddess in this picture, @jessicascottinmotion, became one of my main muses. Jumping back to celebrations, I also believe in Birthdays! I LOVE to make important people in my life feel special. Today is Jessica’s birthday and I want everyone to show her some love! She deserves it! Happy Birthday, Jessica! Happy World Breastfeeding Week, all mamas around the world!!! <3

A photo posted by Forest Fairy ✨ (@ivetteivens) on Aug 3, 2016 at 1:24pm PDT

What do you mean there’s only two?!

A photo posted by Forest Fairy ✨ (@ivetteivens) on Mar 21, 2016 at 9:03pm PDT

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